How To Stop Being Lazy - Solutions For Short-term & Long-term Laziness

Word count:5365

hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video we're going to talk about how to stop being lazy let's do some lazy troubleshooting I want to help you to get out of your rut your funk or whatever else is going on your life so let's troubleshoot this issue and this is an issue that's close to me because you know I get lazy sometimes in fact today was one of my most lazy days in a while I've been working real hard on my business stuff and today was just one of those days where I didn't really have that much to do but I was supposed to shoot a couple of videos which is what I'm doing now but it was really hard for me to get mobilized the whole day I was kind of putting it off and putting it off and procrastinating and just saying like oh no I don't want to I feel sleepy I feel tired I didn't have a good meal so now I'm kind of a sluggish it's like oh so I really have to get up there and prepare myself and get all pretty and everything and get ready to talk about this kind of stuff like oh I don't want to deal with all that stuff so and and I was like writing writing a little outlines for what I'm gonna say but then like I just wasn't feeling I wasn't in the mood and I was feeling I was really being lazy but Here I am I'm standing in front of you and I'll tell you how I got up here at the end of the video but right now first of all to frame this problem let's just be very clear and ask you what kind of lazy are we talking about here because there's different kinds of lazy one kind of lazy is that you lost your job and now you've been unemployed for 12 months and you've just been lying around on the couch at your parents house in their basement and you haven't even been looking for a job and you're just so lazy you're sitting there watching reruns of teeth old TV shows for 12 hour straight eating noodles out of a Styrofoam cup right now that's one kind of lazy and that's the kind of like really problematic lazy then there's another kind of lazy which is actually one that I get coaching clients coming to me twelve four and that's this kind I get a successful person coming to me this person is already earning six figures but this person is now feeling I'm not so motivated anymore you know I want to go out there and go for that promotion but I'm just kind of like losing my drive or you know I want to earn an extra million dollars in my business but I've already got a couple million how do I motivate myself to earn that extra million like this kind of lazy or maybe you know you you work really hard and you're working on projects all the time and now you're in this kind of a rut between projects you're feeling like oh I don't want to do anything I don't want to start the next project that's a very different kind of lazy I mean that's kind of an over achievers lazy that's what I'm called that one it's a if you're her overachiever type you're a workaholic type you think that everything unless you're working you're your ass off at a breakneck pace then everything is lazy so that's a very different type of problem and then of course you've got other kinds of lazy like maybe you're too lazy to go and study for school or college maybe there's an exam coming up a certification and you're not studying for that kind of lazy I've been there or maybe you're too lazy to go to the gym you don't get your ass up to get there and do the workout that you set out for yourself or whatever whatever other kind of thing that you're stalling on but basically if you keep having this recurring problem in your life of being lazy that's what I want to cover here in this video that and then at the end of the video I also want to talk about how to specifically get yourself out of a lazy funk like right now right this second because I think that there's a difference between long term laziness and short term laziness what I had today was a short term laziness like I it's not that like I lost my motivation to shoot more videos no that that didn't happen at all it was just that like today I wanted to slack off so I'll help you with that at the end too but let's talk about for a second this longer term laziness which I actually is see as a much bigger problem because see I don't have a problem with long term laziness that's because I worked hard at it it wasn't always like that you know I worked hard on my life purpose my life has purpose that's why it's very hard for me to be lazy on the long term I'm never really afraid of that I can have short-term laziness though because you know like anyone I just kind of like want to slack off during a certain part of the week or whatever especially if I'm working the hard prior to that so the real question I got to ask you is like what's the problem with being lazy why not I don't mean for me I mean for you because for me there's a really big problem with being lazy I mean I got an important life to live so what I'm lazy I'm losing time I'm losing time my life purpose is not getting accomplished what about you though do you have a life purpose what's not being accomplished when you're lazy why does it matter maybe for you being lazy is cool now no one says that being lazy is cool but I mean that even when you tell yourself that being lazy is not cool it's still cool for you why is that because your life has no purpose it has no meaning you're not doing anything important with your life there's no larger mission to your life so honestly the reason that you're lazy is because you can be what else you what else are you doing you're trying to come up with like fake productivity you're trying to be productive and efficient and be go out there and you know work that job or do this thing here or do whatever there you're trying to do all this stuff just to keep busy just because someone told you to do it just because you have a social obligation or whatever in that case if you have laziness problems well that's because you're using extrinsic motivation not intrinsic motivation so that's one distinction you gotta understand here extrinsic intrinsic extrinsic means you're being motivated from the outside in that's like when you have a kid who wants to eat some candy and his parents are telling them no you're going to eat vegetables and then they give him some sort of reward they'll say if you eat your vegetables then we'll give you ten dollars that's called extrinsic motivation intrinsic motivation is when it comes from the inside out so that's like if the kid would say you know what I want to eat healthy stuff so I'm not going to eat the candy I just want to eat healthy stuff and that can happen too it's it's rare it's harder to find people who are intrinsically motive is to your life you develop it you're cultivated this is not something you're born with you cultivate it and I talk about that in other videos another distinction you should understand is that between positive and negative motivation some people think that they can motivate themselves through life to accomplish great things through negative motivation what is negative motivation by the way I have videos on that too here I'm just going to give you the quick summary version negative motivation means that you're telling yourself all the bad painful stuff could happen to you if you don't do something that's like you got to go study for a test in a class that you have no interest in maybe you're studying math you have no interest in math you got to go ace the math test in order to get into it's a law school or something which is what you're really passionate about so now you're taking math you don't care about math you got to a sit though and you got to go out there and study you don't want to study so you're going to just slack it off and the negative motivation there is that well if I fail I'm going to get an F that's going to look bad on my transcript negative motivation not a good way to go a few people in life have accomplished amazing things through negative motivation what works much better they're really successful people they're positively motivated that means that there's something that they're constructively working towards and in their mind they're visualizing all the good all the pleasure that will come from that so same situation let's say you're taking this math test except here you're really curious and interested in math it's very different and you want to Ace this test because you just want to show that you're good at math which you're studying anyways very different right very different kind of motivation a lot of really successful people actually what happens to them and they come to me for coaching on this is that yeah they got a good career good job but then what happens is that they actually got to where they got to through negative motivation it's interesting how it's not like if you're negatively motivate you can't be successful I mean there's plenty of negatively motivate successful people out there but what happens is that they max out they hit a plateau once they get a relatively comfortable level of living they're comfortable all the sudden there's no more negative motivation the negative motivation robs you of itself that's kind of the problem with it it produces a yo-yo effect because if all you're doing is you're moving in life to move away from pain and discomfort as soon as you find a comfortable spot you're going to stay there that's it you're done there's no more motivation for you if you want to go really far in life you need positive motivation positive motivation it never wanes for example one of my motivations is to get smarter about life to understand life better now what does that is that positive or negative that's positive right I'm not doing personal development and I'm not understand understand life so that I can avoid all the pain in my life that's not why I do it I do it because it's fascinating to me and because it's just interesting and because I see all the awesome ramifications that come from that I enjoyed the learning process so from that my motivation never wanes not long-term because I can keep learning about life for the rest of my life it's never going to end there's always something new to learn whereas if somebody was doing personal development just because for example oh I need to lose 20 pounds before my wedding which is three months from now Leo help me lose 20 pounds right before my wedding you got to do it now give me some personal development mumbo-jumbo so that I can quickly lose those 20 pounds for that wedding see that's negative motivation as soon as those 20 pounds are lost then it's like well screw this purplevelvet still I don't care about anymore I'm going to go off do my own thing and then what happens you gain all that weight back that's what produces yo-yo effects so positive negative keep that in mind here's a basic check list to see why you're lazy number one life purpose do you have a life purpose you have a compelling vision of what you create with your life what you want to create very very long-term I'm talking twenty thirty years down the road do you have that are you aligned with that are you working towards it on a weekly basis if not huge problem you're going to have lots of laziness problems because you're not really you're not driven by anything you have it's like you're a car with no engine inside you need someone to tow you basically and that's what it is that you're being towed through life and then if there's no one towing you you're stuck the second point your top ten values you got to identify what your top ten values are and then you got to see is your life aligned with those values are you actually acting towards it if you're not if the stuff you're doing with your life isn't aligned with your values for example if your job isn't honoring your top values well yeah you're going to be lazy there you can have a lot of long term laziness problems third point on this checklist ask yourself where are you in the cycle do you know that life works in cycles and I don't mean here the circle of life that's a different thing that's when you're dead I mean life works in cycles as you're going through life there's this natural ebb and flow up and down cadence like this to your life and it lasts one of these cycles can last for two three or five years so these are pretty long-term cycles how does one of these cycles work well let's say you're starting a new project when you start a new project you're kind of at the bottom of the cycle you start some sort of new project or new endeavor or whatever new chapter in your life and then you start moving towards it's exciting you're working on it and you're going up in a cycle then you really hit your stride you're reaching towards the top of the cycle then you're really at your peak you're really killing it at your job you know whatever you've been trying to do it's really clicking everything's working you're at the very top of the cycle then naturally people expect like well I'll just stay at the top no that's not very natural the way life works is that you have an ebb and flow so even after you've peaked you're not going to maintain that peak there's going to be a it can be a turn downwards the phase in the chapter is going to be coming to an end the movies coming to an end there's going to be a climax right after the climax things resolve so that's what's happening here it doesn't necessarily mean failure sometimes it is a failure sometimes a catastrophic failure maybe your business catastrophic a fails but most times it's not even that it's just kind of a natural phasing out maybe you're just moving on to bigger and greater things whatever a new chapter in your life needs to start so now you're going down in the cycle and then inevitably you hit the rock bottom of that cycle this might be something very serious like something bad happened to you some traumatic event now you're very depressed you're suicidal you're very doubtful or maybe you're just kind of feeling lost and lazy and you're like in this rut you don't know what the next thing is in your life you don't know what the next chapter should be you're confused you're lost you don't have a project to work on maybe you're unemployed maybe you don't have a business it's kind of stuff that's you at the very bottom and then from that what happens is that through that process of contemplation and kind of wandering and looking and searching and rediscovery you come up with the next chapter and then from that next chapter again the cycle starts to go back up so understanding this you can ask yourself where are you in this cycle right now in your life if you're lazy and you're at the top of the cycle well that's one scenario if you're lazy and you're at the bottom of the cycle it's another scenario I mean it's pretty natural to be lazy at the bottom of the cycle and sometimes you have to let yourself be that way because maybe you've just completed a really big project or you just sold a business of yours or whatever yeah now it's natural to be a little bit lazy maybe should take some time off you know think things through if you're the top of the cycle laziness shouldn't really be a problem for you because you're going full stride but sometimes you know you might have a day or two of laziness here or there and so that's okay notice where you are in your cycle the next checkpoint on this list is when was the last time you had a vacation how many months has it been if it's been over six months then that might be the problem right there I find myself I start to become lazy after I've worked really hard for a long time and I don't even acknowledge to myself how hard I've worked so if you're having laziness issues when you're at the top of the cycle maybe it's because you've been working so goddamn hard to reach the top and now you're at the top you just need a little bit of a break you need to recharge those batteries take your mind off the work you've been doing or whatever and then you won't have these laziness problems anymore so check in with that - so that's the basics checklist but I have a little bit more to say so maybe you're still lazy after all of this maybe you pass all these points and you're lazy so I mean if you don't have a life purpose expect yourself to be lazy a lot if you're not aligned with your top values expect yourself to be lazy a lot if you're not taking vacations and resting properly expect yourself to be lazy if you are not conscious of this cycle expect yourself to be worrying about your laziness and not understanding it in its proper context so that's the reason I explain that stuff if you're still having laziness issues habits habits are really key you need to develop successful habits and I don't really want to cover the process of making habits in this video just be a little bit of a tangent I'll cover that in other videos I have good videos about how to break bad habits and how to start good habits the only thing I'll tell you here is that you probably need more success habits in your life and you want to build them up slowly so if you're lazy right now don't expect to just like go and jump out of the bed and you know go to the gym and you haven't been doing a gym in a long time it won't work that way you know we got a baby step that and build that momentum up build that habit up over the course of the next month or two and then I'll be okay so let's say for example that you want to be an aspiring writer and in your mind you're selling yourself well I got to write this novel or I got to write this screenplay but I've been so lazy I've been slacking off the last two weeks and I keep pushing it off I've been pushing off for a whole year now you know you're lazy well in this case actually there's a procrastination issue there which I have a video on I'll link it below so check that out but also beyond the procrastination you need to build a writing habit see what you're probably telling in your mind is like well I got to sit down and write this whole book or I got to sit down and write the FIR chapter or I got to sit down and do eight hours of writing for the whole day no that's not how a writer that's not how a good writer starts a good writer if he hasn't written yet he'll start slow right baby step that stuff so maybe today you just spend one hour if one hours too much spend ten minutes baby step it that's I have to do it sometime especially when you're we're working really hard when you're doing something ambitious you got to look into the future and say to yourself well right now I'll start slow and that's okay because the ramp-up will happen pretty fast it's okay if you spend the next month just ramping up slowly just to get to let's say five hours of writing a day that's a lot of writing if you can consist ly do five hours of writing per day I mean damn you'll write anything you want really fast so the key is to get you there right you just don't jump there and one go and the final point that I want to really make here is how do you break out of laziness right now right in the moment so the habit stuff that's more long-term but you know what if like right now I was sitting on my couch today and I didn't want to go and shoot these videos I was really lazy in fact in my mind I almost said like oh man I'm it's just not going to work I'm not going to do it today I'll I'll put it off to next week or something like that I honestly didn't feel like I would come up here but Here I am standing in front of you shooting this video so what happened I want to read you a quote from William James I was thinking of this quote before I got off my couch and it goes like this you can act your way into right thinking but you can't think your way into right action what does this mean there's something very truthful about this quote very profound and it says basically that if you're sitting there and you're trying to think your way into going out there doing something big it's not going to happen and that's what I was trying to do on that couch I was trying to sit there and like come up with a way okay what kind of what kind of technique do I do you know do I know what kind of like psychological trick can I pull out of my bags of tricks so that I can get up here and shoot my and in fact I was thinking myself I started and gilt myself and I started to say stuff like well if I don't shoot my video you know what are people gonna think of me when I'm shooting a video about laziness and I'm being lazy myself you know what gives me the qualifications to talk about it the fact is that I am lazy there are times in my life when I'm very lazy so let's be real here I'm not standing up here and saying like I'm never lazy it's just that it happened today that I was able to motivate myself and the reason was was that I stopped thinking about it and shirin it acting thinking versus acting okay when you're really stuck just go through the motions just go through the motions that's it that's the best way to get yourself mobilized in the moment so if you've got to get your ass off the couch to the gym literally lift your ass off the couch step 1 step 2 walk over to the closet step 3 put on your shoes step 4 put on your your jacket or whatever you need step 5 pick up the keys to your car step 6 walk out the front door step 7 walk into the car step 8 turn on them you know the music to make yourself feel a little bit better when you're in a car take your mind off of it don't overthink this if this stuff is simple personal development is simple two people over to overthink it and sometimes I don't think that I'm helping with releasing all these videos because honestly these videos can lead to like a big circle jerk effect or all you do is you sit there and you you do this mental masturbation all these cool interesting concepts and ideas but then nothing happens because you just don't take any action you can't act remember that the first three letters of the word actualized is act act action taking action action is a thing that determines the winners from the losers in life the successful people from the unsuccessful the self-actualized from the Unseld facts realized its action and sometimes you just gotta say to yourself just do it something you do it just do it whatever it is that you're being lazy on right now stop looking for a trick just go do it it's not as hard as you think it is it's not as painful it's not as bad your mind is exaggerating that stuff just get yourself into action and put your mind on something else while you're doing it soon soon what you'll find is you'll be standing here speaking to the camera you'll be enjoying yourself it'll be feeling pretty nice you'll be wondering man how how kind I was so lazy just a couple hours ago I don't even know that was like a different person now I'm standing here I'm not lazy at all I feel great in fact this is my second video I already shot the first ones the second one I really didn't feel like I was going to do it but you know what sometimes it doesn't matter what you feel like sometimes you just move your legs you move your ass you move your mouth and stuff happens it's pretty cool also another trick is that don't build it up in your mind like if to do it perfectly sometimes just tell yourself you know what I'm just going to do a half-ass job today I'm going to go to the gym and just do a half-ass job you know instead of staying at home from work I'm going to go to work but I'll just do a half-ass job at work instead of writing this stellar awesome chapter for my novel I'm going to write a half-ass chapter for my novel that's good because it takes the pressure off you it gets you mobilized and once your mobilise allows you to build up the momentum you need to then actually kick some ass that day another tip that I like is that sometimes when I'm feeling like it's really hard for me to mobilize to do work just slow down slowly your life down sometimes we try to speed things up so we get more done but ironically what happens that we you know we're moving we're moving there's so much action going on but this action it's got no traction to it so it was just like stuff flying in the air but nothing really important is getting done sometimes you guys like slow yourself down bring yourself back to your own original principles and values that actually helped me today - is that what I did is I started - I've got a couple of blogs from some people that I follow some quality blogs so I read that and that started getting me thinking started my mind churning because I wasn't really in the mood to think and come up with you know new insights new ideas I wasn't come up with the stuff but I started reading this blog I started like reading this analysis it started getting my mind to be doing analysis my mind has to be analytical mode I'm shooting these videos so that's what's happening right now I've kind of built up a little bit of that momentum and that's because I kind of allowed myself to slow down earlier in the day I'm just said you know what I'm going to take it easy today and if I read a book for example if I picked up a book from the bookshelf and I read that that would have helped me to because like I'm slowing down I'm really focusing on the stuff that I'm trying to do with my career with my business which is you know delivering good insights to you guys so when I when I focus on that that tends to reground me and finally just acknowledge that sometimes you're going to fail I mean honestly I'm standing here in front of you but it could have been probably a 50/50 chance that I wouldn't have done this video today just because I was I was pretty lazy today and you know what that's okay in the past that would really guilted myself for it I was guilty myself a little bit today but ultimately you got to say to yourself you're not perfect and sometimes you're allowed to be lazy and in fact it's when you try to be perfect and when you try to be super productive all the time that actually laziness tends to come up and so you get laziness because you're over productivity backfires on you now we've covered a lot of ground here in this video this last point about over productivity backfiring you got to ask yourself is that me am I an overachiever type if you're an overachiever type that's a perfect description of how you work but if you're a lazy slacker type that's not you if you're a lazy slacker type what you need to do is go back to the beginning of the video and really look at life purpose you don't got enough purpose in your life you don't got enough positive motivation so you got to work there and I got some videos that I'll link down below to help you figure that out all right this is Leo I'm signing off go ahead post me your comments down below please like this video clicking the like button share it on Facebook share with your friends that I can release more free content 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